Anna Pestalozza

Human Centred Designer
Strategic & Systemic Thinker
+31 (0) 6 238 000 10

Anna Pestalozza works as Service Designer in the Business Transformation team at adidas. Within her role she contributes to improve, define or envision (new) services & solutions based on people’s needs (being them consumers, customers, or internal users).Prior to this role she was part of adidas' Digital Strategy team, where she took part in defining the portfolio and strategic positioning of adidas Circular Services offerings (adidas Made To Be Remade, adidas GiveBack) and in founding Lab A, internal department dedicated to launching pilot projects with a digital and experience-led focus.Humanist at the core, she grounds her work in understanding people’s needs, to design experiences that satisfy their expectations. Attracted by complex issues and global challenges (as circular economy), she is interested how a design approach is applied to the public context (healthcare, education, welfare).She worked as a consultant in strategic design and management consulting firms (Huddle, BCG). She has lectured at IED Milan from 2015 to 2018. She holds a MSc in Design for Interaction from the Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands).If she was not a designer, she would probably be a mathematician, a social scientist, a theatre actress or a sailor.